John Annoni is in his third decade with the Allentown School District and is the founder of Camp Compass and Hunting Awareness.

John founded
Camp Compass in 1994.

Originally started as an after-school conservation curriculum, it developed into a federally recognized 501c3 organization.

Camp Compass is a unified effort introducing urban students in grades five through twelve to various outdoor activities. During the sessions students are introduced and networked to numerous community businesses and working role models. The consequence is an educated population understanding selected careers, conservation, sportsmen’s philosophies and their activities.

parallax background

Camp Compass Academy

The impossible became possible. What started as the dream of one school teacher to introduce a new generation of youth to America’s outdoor heritage and traditions has now turned into a life changing system that operates year round.

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John Annoni's multi award-winning program is set up to expose kids to the outdoors and its activities, taking students over long periods of time and showing them the many opportunities outside their urban environment.


Students helped


Years of teaching




Published books

John works
with the community.

Community Perspectives: #Power30icbos

The ideas shared in this community blog are a product of research conducted by Community-Based Organizations over seven years focused on how to create equitable partnerships between Science Institutions and Community-Based Organizations in underrepresented communities. The objective is to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The research stems from questions asked by community researchers to more than 30 other community organizations. It represents the community perspective. Read more about it here.

From the Hood to the Woods

The true story of one teacher's courageous outdoor development program that is giving hope, inspiration and real-world success skills to disadvantaged inner-city kids.

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Beyond One Day

John Annoni's second book that gives tips, stories and mistakes he experienced working with youth in the outdoors. It's a framework to help those who want to help children succeed.

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  • 2016Lauretta Woodson Award

    The purpose of the Lauretta Woodson Recognition Program is to honor one educator and one support professional for doing an outstanding job within a district or school.
  • 2013Under Armour's Next Generation Challenge Honor

    This challenge by Under Armour was a fundraising initiative to help charities like Camp Compass gain awareness, recognition, and most importantly, resources.
  • 2013WLEV Radio Honored Teacher

  • 2010Lehigh County Bar Assoc.’s Liberty Bell Award

    The Liberty Bell Award is given each year by local bar associations in conjunction with Law Day to honor outstanding citizens within the local community.
  • 2008OL25 National Honor

  • 2007National Thank You Day Honor

  • 2006NRCC Businessman of the Year

    The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is the Republican Hill committee which works to elect Republicans to the United States House of Representatives.
  • 2005Spirit of Humanity Honor

  • 2005St. Luke’s Hospital Shining Star Recipient

    St. Luke's Hospital-Allentown honored six volunteers for their community work during their fourth annual Dinner by Starlight event to benefit the hospital's cardiac services.
  • 2005Allentown Education Association’s Showcase Award

  • 2005Pope and Young Stewardship Award

    The annual Caring Awards promote and honor acts of caring and humanitarian service around the country and internationally.
  • 2003Victor Steckle Award

  • 2003Delta Waterfowl’s Preserving the Legacy Honor

  • 2002Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers Multi Award Winner

  • 2001Disney’s American Teaching Award Multi Nominee

    Disney's American Teaching Award was developed to honor outstanding members of the teaching profession whose talent, commitment and creativity have a profound and lasting impact on our children and society.
  • 2000Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association Youth Mentor Award Recipient

    Formed in 1950, the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association is the largest state outdoor writer organization in the country.
  • 1999Safari Club International’s Educator of the Year

    The strategic mission of SCI Foundation Education Sables programs is to further the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creation and support of wildlife and conservation education programs.
  • 1999Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation’s Classroom Educator of the Year

  • 1998McDonald’s Excellence in Education Award Winner