Different Levels of Mentoring
August 29, 2014From the Hood to the Woods
October 13, 2014I SAID IT!
PER FACEBOOK—Over the next week, we will share some photos from our 14th Pennsylvania Taxidermy Reward Event at Cabela’s in Hamburg, PA. I have to be honest about my feelings here after an emotional morning. I actually took over the account for this post–I am John Annoni and I am a Bullet (one of thousands currently)–I care so much about youth and the future of the hunting and shooting sports that I at times become physically ill and mentally anguished when I see the propaganda spread by both sides of the gun/sport. I love to hunt and shoot but I love my kids more than the air I breathe. I will no longer allow “paper champions” who claim to be “hunting heroes” and “pro-gun advocates for youth” dilute the heritage that has helped mold me and the youth I serve. The outdoor messages I see and hear are many AND most are BULLSHIT. Yep I cursed! Most are messages that attempt to float out to sea in expensive empty advertising bottles with holes in them. I don’t need to be known by anyone in the “industry”, I don’t need to be known by any more sponsors–I just want more kids and families to know me and the mission to help their children prosper. That’s where I and our team of adults known as Bullets will rest or heads in our efforts. We will know that we truly did something for children that would never have happened otherwise. America, some have taken so much from your great outdoor heritage and it’s time to start calling out those that abuse your gifts. When you get time shoot a few dollars by taking the challenge at 2millionbullets.org. It will help me and my team help a few more kids along the way. Know that we would be happy and honored to have you become a Bullet in this clip we call life. Lastly, to those that talk about or are still planning to help kids in their own way–what are you waiting for?
PS. These kids are the real hunting and shooting stars. They do it among others that don’t and many more youth would love to do the same if we just could unite.