North Carolina Provides More Memories

Get Ready NRA Convention, I’m Coming!
April 8, 2012
From the Woods to the Hood…
April 22, 2012
Get Ready NRA Convention, I’m Coming!
April 8, 2012
From the Woods to the Hood…
April 22, 2012

North Carolina Provides More Memories

I’m not quite sure how my family was adopted by the Trask and Taylor families in North Carolina but I’m thankful for the blessing.  In my book,  I write about making sure that I have family time hunting with Landon and our new adopted family is making sure we get it.  We have been welcomed so openly and given the opportunity to become part of  huge family that shares our values and passion for youth and the outdoors.  I can only shake my head when I think about how much they care and get my mission for the nation’s children .  I have a feeling that there is more to come in the next few years in regards to the fight for our children and a lot of that help will be coming from Tar Heel territory.

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