Beyond teaching……

10,000th smile
October 8, 2011
Moving it forward….
November 9, 2011
10,000th smile
October 8, 2011
Moving it forward….
November 9, 2011

Beyond teaching……

We all take some risks.  When I chose to become a teacher and work with urban children the risk of tradgedy was high.  I was well aware of what the streets could do to adolecscents.  So I went above and beyond and tried to give everything I had to children that might not have much of anything to make their lives better.  The world  lost a young man that I came to know in class and then came to love beyond it.  Devon Robinson a.k.a. DAZE DYSH grew to become my son and was killed via gunshot trying to help a friend this past weekend.  After he left me in 6th grade,  we visited often with each other.  I became what he called his “teacher-dad” which is  a title I hold on to proudly.  We had many talks about his path and he always took the time to make sure I was still “keeping it real” for the kids “in the hood” in my classroom.  I am so honored to have been able to walk with him for the short amount of time he has spent on this earth.  He made me a better man, and I hope I did the same for him.   Right now, I’m feeling like the risks I’ve been taking for kids are taking their toll on me.  However, time is short and I’ll keep trying to help kids no matter how bad the odds may be stacked against them and /or me.  Love and miss you, Devon!  SHOOOOOONUFF.

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